Please Note: If you created an account before May 29th, 2015, you will have to reset your password to have access to your account because of internal server upgrades and site reconfiguration. If you have any questions, email Ben at
Credit Card/Paypal Checkout Information
While our website is considered secure, we still do not accept credit cards directly on our website, instead, we have the user redirected to PayPal to ensure the maximum level of security possible. Upon clicking “Confirm Order’ in the checkout process on our website you would be redirected to a PayPal web page specific and unique for your purchase which is where you could either complete your purchase using a PayPal account, or a little further down the page there is a button that says “Pay with a debit or credit card or PayPal Credit”. This button allows you to enter credit card or bank information for your order without needing a PayPal account.